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Aplikasi Penjualan Ikan Gabus (Application Mobile E-Commerce Channa)

PlatformMobile Apps
JenisE-commerce, Flutter
TeknologiFigma, Flutter, API
  • Estimated shipping and tracking prices using the API from USPS
  • Web Admin Dashboard to manage orders, products and blog content


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Website Majamen Gedung Universitas International Semen Indonesia (Management information System Buildings Indonesian Cement International University)

Semen Indonesia International University or abbreviated as UISI is a private university in Indonesia which is under the management of the Semen Indonesia Foundation or SMIF. UISI is a transformation of STiMSI which has been running for 2 years.

Website Infaq Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Maghfiroh (Donation Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School)

The establishment of the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School in Malang has the aim of educating students to become Muslim human beings as cadres of Ulama and missionaries who are spirited, sincere, steadfast, tough, independent in practicing Islamic teachings as a whole and dynamically, and ready to serve and nurture the community. The implementation of religious education aims to produce graduates who have faith

Website Sticker QR Code Generator Fire Extinguisher Firecek (Website Pembuatan Kode QR Stiker Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Firecek)

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